It's a pity for Malaysians for having this young bberuk/b sibling as their UMNO deputy youth leader (former now youth leader). He should be sent to the jungle along with the "Mat Rempits" where they can have a peaceful life with ... i for sure them wont do again... if we catch the rempit and put them into jail is like giving them bvacation/b and waste the tax payer money for feeding them in the jail.. rotan is most effective, once kena sure scare 1... do more = more rotan. ...
The chief bberuk/b KJ also joined why can't we malaysian have a rally in our own country? That is why I was there. The burmese can't have more rights than we Malaysians in our own land!!! Zam you are well come to highlight the above. ... And I remember someone commented somewhere that the Star newspaper is compulsary to publish MCA activities with LLS picture everyday. Probably by now some of the ppl at Felda, rubber bestate/b, kampung are not aware of the march. ...
Can't imagine the consequences if this corporate takeover finaly fall into wrong hand.They will wipe out(sapu) all rubber and palm oil bestate/b from south to the north,from east to the west until near your own tanah pusaka. b..../b Ini juga sinergi dengan cerita adinda ipar kesayanganya, bBeruk/b Hitam, berkecimpung dengan perdagangan emas dan berdagang emas dengan peniaga dari Pulau Selatan. Mungkin perlahan lahan kebun kebun bagus milik pekebun Mukim Besar Nusantara akan b.../b